COVID-19 illuminated costly ethnic and racial disparities in healthcare. You are the Human Resource Manager for a racially and diverse workforce and your CEO is concerned about paying for healthcare benefits that could cause costly disparities and harm to minority employees. As a result, she has given you the task of developing a Strategic Training and Development plan to educate all employees on the value of patient-centered care to improve healthcare equity. You are to make a compelling presentation on the best Learning and Delivery Method to enhance employee engagement and comprehension for patient-centered care. Create a 5 slide PowerPoint Presentation (Not including the reference page) demonstrating:
1. Evidence-based needs assessment
2. Evidence-based Learning and Delivery Method
3. Facilitator(s) and their evidence-based skill requirements
4. 3-5 Learning Objectives
5. 3-5 Evidence-based Agenda Items with appropriate sequencing
6. One evidence-based assessment
Be as creative as you like, but make sure that it is evidence-based and is supported by citing HRD and Strategic Training and Development principles from the text and outside sources.
Some resources are attached, but please add more. Here is a website that is helpful too: