As you describe the plan for the group be sure to explain the rationale for deci


As you describe the plan for the group be sure to explain the rationale for decisions made in each of the planning areas. You must support the decisions with relevant literature from readings. Even if your agency does not run groups, this paper allows you to imagine a group that you believe could be beneficial for the clients that your agency serves. You can use your current agency to answer Part III (the context of the agency). You must locate and review three articles that describe groups similar to the one you are suggesting. For example, you might be proposing a group for Hispanic mothers of children with special needs that will be a mutual aid group. It is fine if one or two of the articles are psycho-educational groups, as long as you address in your paper the rationale for your choice of a mutual aid group and not a psycho-educational group.
An open support group for domestic violence survivors, ages 18-45
Paper descriiption
II. The Group Concept (approximately 1 page) In conceptualizing the group, clearly state the purpose of the group and how the purpose connects to the unmet need(s) described above. Describe the type of group that you are proposing. For example, Support and stabilization (life crisis – divorce, bereavement) Growth and education (developmental challenges – social skills) Recapitulation and restitution (i.e. insight groups/play therapy) Task and action (committee, organization). Describe the specific issue(s) the group will address and the goals of the group (what is the desired outcome(s). Support and Empowerment (mutual support, various support services, crisis intervention


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