As early childhood professionals, our methods of communication with young chil


As early childhood professionals, our methods of communication with young children supply a model for effective positive communication. Understanding the communication capabilities of young children helps us to plan for developmentally proper positive communication. Before beginning this discussion, go to (n.d.). Understanding the roles of early education and child care providers in community-wide bullying prevention efforts  (This resource is also located in the Readings and Resources section of this unit.)
Read the information on bullying, where you will learn that toddlers can be aggressive when relating to their peers. Here is a quote from the website that will help your focus on the importance of this topic. “Peer aggression has been studied extensively among young children (ages 3-5) and has been found to be quite common in preschool and kindergarten. In fact, peer aggression is more likely among young children than any other age group.” (Hanish, Kochenderfer-Ladd, Fabes, Martin, & Denning, 2004).
In your first response to this discussion, share and comment on what you learned from the federal government’s Stop Bullying website. 


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