A) After viewing the PowerPoint(s) on Types of Essays and reviewing Chapters 16


A) After viewing the PowerPoint(s) on Types of Essays and reviewing Chapters 16 and 17, complete the following:
Turn to page 271 in your text. Read the section on The Persuasive Essay.
Next, read Practice 12 & 13 but you do not have submit the work. Then, choose a topic from Practice 15 that interests you. You will choose ONLY ONE from numbers 1-10.
Write your essay and submit the Essay Writing Assignment # 2 to the dropbox.
Submit your work as a WORD document.
Your essay should be between three and five paragraphs and each paragraph should be between 5-12 sentences in length
Here are your essay requirements:
12″ font
Times New Roman
1″ margin all the way around
Double space
Underline your thesis statement in your introduction paragraph.
Review the rubric to make sure you are following an essay structure.
B) Log on to http://www.sun-sentinel.com/ or http://www.miami.com or http://www.newyorktimes.com. Pick one article that interests you, read it carefully.
Write a one to three paragraph summary of the article, depending on the length of the article.
The points you include in your summary should reflect the emphasis of the original writer. Try to capture the essence of the article.
Remember to give your source at the beginning, to keep out personal opinion, and to check your summary for plagiarism. (Refer to checklist in Chapter 18, page 268).
Post your summary in this discussion


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