Your Role/Task:
You are tasked with:
➢ Researching/comparing two different strategies to encourage your staff to work hard and
remain loyal to the company yet maintain a positive work-life balance.
➢ Evaluating/recommending which strategy best fits the needs and mission of your
➢ Including the advantages/disadvantages of the model you select.
➢ Recommending one strategy, based on your research, to your Board of Directors.
➢ I am interested in your analysis in your own words, so do not use any direct quotes.
➢ You will be submitting a professional business memo, so your recommendation must be
research-based. You should recommend a realistic strategy your company can implement.
Get Started:
➢ Step One – Select ONE of the careers you researched in your Informative Presentation.
The research for this assignment will be based on your selection.
➢ Step Two – Based on your career selection, choose a fictitious name for your medium-
sized company (between 75-249 employees). You may be located anywhere within the
United States. You are the CEO of the company.
➢ Step Three – Submit your Rec Report Discussion Post (see separate assignment for
directions). I must approve your topic before you begin your research.
Some Possible Research Areas To Consider (You are not limited to these):
➢ Employee Communication
➢ Employee Recognition Programs
➢ Remote/Hybrid Options
➢ Salary
➢ Working Conditions
➢ Work Hours
➢ Work-Life Balance
Format/Organization: Use the memo report format we have been using this semester (e.g. self-
reflection memo). Use headings and organize your report using the indirect approach of stating
the problem, analyzing which agency provides the best fit in terms of the critical factors relevant
to your company’s needs, and stating/justifying your recommendation. The report should be
complete (i.e., provide solid evidence and support), but concise. You may include tables and
figures to support your claims.
References: To demonstrate that you are basing your analysis, conclusions, and
recommendation on substantive and credible evidence, you need at least six (you can certainly
include more) reputable sources—no Wikipedia or wikis of any kind! At least one reference
must be from a peer-reviewed journal. Do not use only websites!
Use APA format within the report and insert proper in-text citations (parenthetical references –
no standalone URL links!) for facts, illustrations, or ideas taken from any of these sources. These
in-text references will correspond to the APA reference list at the end of your report. For help
with APA, check out the APA links on our resource page, or visit Purdue OWL. Be sure to cite
using the APA 7th edition.