This week’s assignment is to write the first, and most important, part of your paper
Week 3—Introduction to Ethics Final Paper
The introduction is designed to define the topic (ex. Lateral violence in nursing—how is it defined? How prevalent is the problem? Are there distinguishing types of lateral violence? How does this affect the nursing population? Why is this topic an ethical dilemma for nurses/nursing profession?)
The term “ethical dilemma” refers to a situation where choices need to be made, the answers may not be clear, the options are not ideal and there may be active barriers to a reasonable solution
The topic is objectively defined and described. Be concise: what is the ethical nursing dilemma? As nurses we have a duty to our patients to advocate for them. At the same time, we must keep ourselves out of the situation. This section must address the topic with objectivity and facts.
This is a scholarly paper and should be written as such. Do not use idioms, colloquialisms or a conversational style.
There are no “I” statements or opinions voiced in this section—there will be a place for that in the Professional Response section.
At least one professional nursing journal article (2019-present) should be cited to substantiate the facts that are relevant to the overarching topic
The paper introduction should be submitted in APA style (7th edition) which is a requirement of this nursing program. Please familiarize yourself with APA and how to cite references. The following websites are quick, helpful tools to use when writing in APA style.
Check your Turnitin similarity score to insure you are not plagiarizing!
The introduction will vary in length but should be at least one page (double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12-pt. font text). Word Docs Only-NO PDFs accepted for credit or assessment