Read “Whose Culture Has Capital?” by Dr. Tara Yosso. J Then, write a 1-2 page double-spaced analysis of it. Sample Analysis by Dr. Hofmann &
This is an analysis, not a persuasive essay, so you do not need a thesis. However, every analysis should mention the title and author of the piece at the beginning so readers know your subject.
Make sure to include:
the title and author’s name of the reading you are analyzing in the first sentence
a brief summary (1-2 paragraphs) of the main points
an important quote or two from the piece that are remarkable- some professors call these “golden lines. You can list these at the top of embed them within your discussion, as you prefer. These quotes might be useful to you later in an essay.
any logical fallacies you observe (I don’t expect to see this before the week when we learn about logical fallacies)
your analysis (1-2) paragraphs) of the importance and/or validity of the reading’s content.
The analysis is the most important item in the assignment. In the analysis portion you can:
evaluate the importance, or lack thereof, of the author’s main ideas (you can also compare the importance of some of the contents of the reading versus others)
evaluate the amount of evidence the author provides to support his/her points (it is sufficient? relevant? valid? etc.)
ask questions that the piece raises for you
try to make connections between this reading and other readings in this class and/or elsewhere, or in the public sphere, the news, etc.
You may conclude with a brief reflection, but that is entirely optional.