Task 1
Read “Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Post-Disaster Mental Health: Examining the Evidence through a Lens of Social Justice” by Jonathan Purtle. There is a downloadable PDF of the article on the following page. Task 2
Answer the following questions:
What are structural inequities? (2 points)
How are structural inequities related to social inequities? (3 points)
What are protective factors against adverse mental health outcomes, as listed in the article? (1 point)
The article mentions that one factor impeding risk communication is distrust over those who are communicating the risk message (e.g., health professionals, law enforcement, etc.). What is one strategy that you can think of that can help minimize this mistrust? (2 points)
What is resilience? How does it relate stress/mental health? (2 points)
Describe the relationship between race/ethnicity, SES, and mental health outcomes as a result of disasters. How does this relate to social justice? (5 points)
What was your overall impression of the article? (5 points)