Rebranding can be a key driver in retaining the longevity of a brand. Throughout


Rebranding can be a key driver in retaining the longevity of a brand. Throughout the course, we discussed different types of concepts and strategies as it relates to brand relevancy. Rebranding is a make-or-break situation for a brand. In this assignment, the group will be responsible for rebranding a “brand”. The group will choose from a list of brands the professor will provide on the first day of class. research and answer the following: BRAND: PELOTON Problem Statement
Brand Pillars. Please include a minimum of 3
Logo redesign why or why not?
What are the goals and ambitions of the brand?
What is the role of the brand in the consumer’s life?
What is the core behavior the brand is trying to impact?
Brand personality before and after. Is there a change or no change
Key brand assets
Pantone colors being used (I will only accept Pantone colors. The team must have the name and number of the color.)
Microsft Word Rebranding synopsis (4-pages max single space 12-point font Times New Roman) You are recapping points 1-9.
Please use APA formatting. Points 2-9 can be rearranged to fit the flow of the assignment.
After the cover slide MUST be the problem statement


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