Please see the file: Minor Project Instructions Download Minor Project Instructionsfor details about your minor project. You will also need the data file, T3 Tech Plugin Data Download T3 Tech Plugin Data, and the file, T3 Jitters Coffee Data Download T3 Jitters Coffee Data, to complete this project. You will be graded according to the rubric Download rubric.
These exercises will introduce you to the variety of uses of PivotTables. For more information on PivotTables please see the files named, Tech Plug-In T3 Download Tech Plug-In T3Problem Solving Using Excel. Please read the information provided and complete each exercise listed below. Once you have completed all 4 of the exercises, submit your Excel and Word documents using the assignment link above.
All 4 sections of the Minor Project should be uploaded in Canvas, including:
1. A Pivot Table illustrating the monthly magazine sales by the sales representative as illustrated in Figure T3.17 of the assignment instructions.
2. A Pivot Table Chart illustrating the monthly magazine sales by the sales representative as illustrated in Figure T3.18 of the assignment instructions.
3. A Pivot Table and Chart illustrating the top 4 selling coffee products.
4. A 300 to 500-word describing the use of pivot tables and charts in a business or ministry setting.