PART1— Based on Ch. 16 from, “Where Does Art Come From?” answer the question from the chapter title, ‘Can We Live Together.’ Use examples from the text. (More or less summarize the chapter in your own words but base the answer on your own opinion)
After viewing ‘Friends and Strangers’ last week, how important do you believe human connections are? Do you believe they are relative to creative expression and social identity? Explain. Is cooking an art and does food allow for human connection? Explain.
Was there a specific recipe from Pinedo or Russell that resonated with you? Why do you believe you were drawn to this specific recipe?
Why do you believe both women are pioneers of the culinary world? Consider the dates of publications and the zeitgeist. (Mood of the era) If you do not, why? Create a recipe that is representative of who you are. You can use a family recipe that spans generationally or you can create something new totally unique to you. Share your recipe and write a few sentences on its importance. PART 2— What is the importance of Osorio’s installation title En la barbería no se llora (No Crying Allowed in the Barbershop)?
Explain the representation of Edwards’ ‘Some Bright Morning.’
Why do you think Rosler parodied a cooking show?
Do you believe assimilation is a good or bad thing? Reference Boarding School Portraits of Tom Torlino.
Compare and contrast Ch. 1 and Ch. 19 from American Encounters: Art, History, and Cultural Identity in 200 or more words. (Think about the era and the type of work presented)
PART 3– Students will create a 1 page-long typed response to one of three review prompts. Responses must be in MLA format. Purpose:
Explore in writing what you have read/watched and what we have presented in the modules.
Reply to only 1 of 3 topics/questions located below.
Students are to submit their assignment by Jan 27th, 11:59 pmusing the submission link on this page. Use citations and supporting evidence from texts/videos found in your Modules. Restate the chosen topic/question in the first few sentences of your response. MLA Format Review Purdue WebpageLinks to an external site.
Compare and Contrast two works from Weeks 3-4. Focus on symbols, archetypes, and universal themes. Analyze and discuss a selected work from Weeks 3-4. Using a critical approach, review a selected work from Weeks 3-4.