N9080 section 2 paper requirements 1 In submitting this paper for N9080-02 to my


N9080 section 2 paper requirements 1
In submitting this paper for N9080-02 to my Chair, I confirm that I have addressed the requirements of the
paper and acknowledge that my paper will not be reviewed unless all components are met and faculty edits
are made.
Yes or No: I have met with Dr. Sherman or another statistician to discuss the statistical requirements of my
• If another statistician was consulted, list their name and location _____________________________
Sufficient time should be allowed for faculty to review the paper, provide feedback, and make edits.
If faculty recommendations are followed, no more than two or three drafts should be required.
• Reviewed project information in the Graduate Nursing Handbook
• Reviewed the Nursing Practice Resource Site (NPRS) DNP Scholarly Project Nurse 9080 Module and
review the writing tips on the NPRS
• Reviewed the information on the N9080 course site
• Proofread paper carefully and have addressed
o Title page in the required format
o ALL outlined components of the above resources
o All spelling, punctuation, and grammar errors; suggest using an editor app such as Grammarly,
or other proofreading or editing application
o Correct APA formatting, including headings, subheadings, in text citations and reference list
using the Publication Manual of the American Psychiatric Association, 7th Edition
o Maximum page length of 3 pages single spaced – excluding title page, references, and
▪ 12 point font and 1 inch margins
See the MU Library resource page on plagiarism and paraphrasing Home – Plagiarism & Copyright – Library Guides
at University of Missouri Libraries
o Ensure that there is no plagiarism through the use of Turnitin on the NPRS
o Ensure that the readability score is 15th grade or >
▪ Read your paper out loud or ask another person to read for flow and understanding
Include all tools, instruments, surveys to be used as an appendix, and list them in order in which they appear
in paper
• Included the following information on all instruments to be utilized
o Validity, reliability, applicability to my project
o Availability of instrument, including any required permission or fees
N9080 section 2 paper requirements 2
The format for the 9080-section 2 paper should be:
Required elements Available
points = 100
Title page 1
Introduction 15
Project PICOT/PIOT/Purpose Statement & Objectives 5
Review of Literature 20
Methods 45
References 5
Appendices 9
Total points
Title Page (See sample title page)
Introduction (from the section 1 paper)
• Problem and proposed change clearly identified
• Background and significance information included – ensure this information is updated
Project PICOT/Purpose Statement & Objectives
• Project PICOT statement and/or purpose statement
• Project objectives are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and have a time frame
Review of Literature
• Ensure that the lit review is updated – don’t reuse old lit reviews!
• Brief synthesis and analysis of supporting and related literature
Methods – required sections listed below
• Project Design
• Intervention
• Setting
• Participants
• Sampling
o Include power analysis for sample size
• Measurement Tools and Data Analysis
o List the statistical tests to be used for data analysis
o Include how the objectives of the project will be measured
• Ethical Considerations
• Budget
o Include the items and amount of in-kind support
• Timeline
• Barriers to Implementation
N9080 section 2 paper requirements 3
• Appendix A: PRISMA or other search diagram
• Appendix B: Readability screen print
• Appendix C: Turnitin score screen print
• Appendix D: Project Budget
• Appendix E: Project Timeline
• Appendix F: D1 DNP Residential Project Committee Appointment Request with signatures
o Verify that the committee members have not changed
o If they have changed, complete the Change of Committee form
Ensure that:
• Setting and target population clearly described
• Description of actual project implementation strategies: including activities/interventions that will be
• Comprehensive description of data collection and methods of data analysis
• Discussion of any outside influences (economic, social, political) which may impact project
Frequently Encountered Problems:
• PICOT and objectives do not align with the intervention and measured outcomes
• Language/terms are not consistent throughout the paper e.g.
• The tool selected for use does not measure the identified outcome


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