Group 1: Explain the ethical principles of autonomy, veracity, beneficence, and


Group 1: Explain the ethical principles of autonomy, veracity, beneficence, and justice. What ethical principle stands out the most to you in health care: autonomy, veracity, beneficence, or justice? Give an example of how you apply this principle to support your nursing practice. (MLO4.1) Instructions
Discussion Board Guidelines
The purpose of a course’s discussion board is to promote an online exchange of students’ knowledge, skills, and attitudes supported by the textbook readings and evidence-based information found in the literature or online. The exchange also includes application of material learned relating to the module and course learning outcomes.
The discussion board is comparable to a face-to-face classroom environment where students participate in a live discussion. In a course’s online environment, the instructor’s role is that of an observer and facilitator. The instructor will be reading all discussion posts and will participate when appropriate.
Maintain confidentially during the discussions, regarding names of patients and team members and discussions surrounding particular aspects of patient care or particular agencies.
To find your Discussion Group
Click on “People” in the left Canvas course menu to find your discussion group. You are assigned to one of three groups: Group 1, Group 2, and Group 3. This will be your assigned group for all discussions.
If the discussion has three discussion questions, your initial post will be for the group to which you are assigned. For the two replies, no matter if there is one question for all to reply to or three questions, you will answer to one person in each of the other two groups.
Discussion Board Evaluation Criteria
For initial posts, identify your group number at the top of your post. For all replies, identify the group number to which you are replying and address your peer by name. Do not use the word “Hey” as a salutation as it is not scholarly or professional.
Sign all three discussion posts at the end of your discussion and before the required references.
Until you post your initial post, you will not be able to see and read the posts of your peers.
All Initial posts must be made by day 4 (Saturday, 11:59 pm) and two replies by day 7 (Tuesday, 11:59 pm) of the week they are due. Posts must be made on two separate days. Any posts (initial or replies) made after day 7 will not be accepted and will receive a grade of zero.
Make sure to check the Discussion Board Grading Rubric for discussion post assignment criteria. This includes reference requirements. Posts will be evaluated on the scholarly quality of the post per the grading rubric.
As a guide, the initial discussion post should be a minimum of 250 words. Each reply should be a minimum of 150 words. Points may be deducted if your post does not meet these requirements as the content may not be considered “substantive” enough to support your post.
Replies to peers: Posts that state, “Yes, I agree with your posting”, “I enjoyed reading the posting”, “You did a great job.” Do NOT count and NO points will be awarded.
All replies must be original; i.e. no plagiarism or use of Artificial Intelligence (AI). For more information on plagiarism and how to avoid it, review the following FSW Library tutorial: Understanding Plagiarism Tutorial: What is Plagiarism?Links to an external site.Links to an external site.. Do not use quotes from any source or author. The use of quotes just tells us what the author/reference material states. Paraphrase and cite the information.
Grammar, spelling, and proper APA format for references and citations are required and will be strictly enforced.
NOTE: If you write your post on a Word document and with correct APA format, the format may not transfer when your post is copied and pasted into Canvas. This only includes the paragraph spacing and the hanging indentation for the references. References
Journal articles: All peer-reviewed journal article references must be available in the FSW Library and must be published within the last five (5) years unless considered a classic or historical source. You may also use articles from the StatPearls database or from the National Library of Medicine, National Center for Biotechnology Information.
If you cite an article, it means you have read the whole article, not just the abstract.
Websites: Only valid and reliable websites can be used (.org or .edu). Do not use a blog or an encyclopedia and most websites with advertisements are not scholarly with evidence-based content.
Textbooks: Make sure to refer to your APA Manual (7th ed.) or the APA Style website for the correct format if you use any textbook as a reference.
Grading Rubric
Be sure to review the discussion grading rubric before beginning. The rubric can be accessed by clicking the button with the three dots in the upper corner of the screen, then clicking “Show Rubric”. If you need assistance posting to a discussion, view the instructionsLinks to an external site..


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