Descriiption Software development has witnessed tremendous advances with the dev


Software development has witnessed tremendous advances with the development of new and better tools and models for development. Businesses typically no longer use models with sequential phases and limited iterations. New development models, such as agile development, extreme programming (XP), and scrum, use teams with highly focused goals, clear deliverables, and iterative development cycles to improve the efficiency of development. These software development models also introduce new security risks in the development organization and the code that is produced.
For this assignment, you will continue development of your software assurance guidelines document to address security in nontraditional development models. This new section of your document will provide guidance to the company when it is using nontraditional development models to ensure that it follows processes and policies that will minimize the threat of security problems. The security development model will be used as the basis for your analysis.
The project deliverables are as follows:
Update the software assurance guidelines document title page with the new date and project name.
Update previously completed sections based on instructor feedback.
Security in Nontraditional Development Models section:
Identify a non-traditional software development model that could be used by your company.
Provide a summary of the major steps in the development model, and describe the potential security threats for each step.
Using the security development model as the foundation for analysis, develop and document appropriate policies and processes for each security risk that will minimize the threat.
Association with the security development model should be demonstrated in the policies and processes.
Be sure to update your table of contents before submission.
Name the document “yourname_CSS321_IP3.doc.”
Submit the document for grading.
I have attached what I have so far in this project. This project has been broken down for each week and I currently need help with week 3 please. All help is much appreciated!


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