20 pts possible Assignments delivered after that time will be considered late an


20 pts possible
Assignments delivered after that time will be considered late and will be subject to a 25% point deduction for every 24-hour period past due.
Watch both documentaries:
Young at Heart documentary: available for a fee of around $3.99 on YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xL9L25eAqfE) or currently free on Hulu with a subscriiption; group viewing is encouraged
Age of Champions documentary: available for free on their own on Tubi (https://tubitv.com/movies/312557/age-of-champions?start=true&utm_source=google-feed&tracking=google-feed) or Vudu, Amazon Prime (if subscribed), Pluto TV
Write a 1-2 page typed paper (12pt font, single-spaced) on your reflections about both documentaries.
Please address these things in your reflection: Describe any family, friend, or personal experiences related to these films.
How did the films make you feel or think?
What, if anything, surprised you about the films and why?
How will watching these films help you interact with older adults as a pharmacist in the future?
Should future pharmacy students be required to watch these films for this class?
When writing:
Demonstrate a mature understanding of and insight into the topics/ideas presented in the films
Be focused, organized, and purposeful
Use appropriate conventions, grammar, punctuation, etc. (please proofread your paper, as points will be deducted for numerous grammatical errors that distract from the content of the paper)


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