You will be required to write a response paper of roughly two to three (or more!) fully developed paragraphs with each of our assigned readings. The response will focus on a critical question(s) about the text. You may select your question from a number of options that I’ve put on the Discussion Board, or you may suggest an idea that you’d like to pursue. Your response should be based on your thinking and feeling about the work and should include at least two quotes from the text that support your ideas. The purpose of this assignment is to encourage critical thinking about the reading and develop your skills in literary analysis. The class’ responses will be posted on the Discussion Board.
In order to get a passing grade, you need 1. to write a minimum of two fully developed paragraphs; 2. use a minimum of two quotes from the text in your response; 3. reply to two of your peers. For example, do you agree with their response? Do you like their ideas or would you modify them?
Reader response papers count as class participation, a 40 point category. The papers are an index of your preparedness for the class…have you read the assignment? Have you thought about it? Have you retained the content? Are you engaged in the reading?
Answer one or more of the following questions and post your response on the Discussion Board. Use at least two quotes from the texts to support your ideas. Reply to two of your classmates’ posts. 1) Describe a symbol in the first Chimney Sweeper Poem. What does it mean? 2) The narrator says at the end of the first poem that if everyone does his work, he need not fear anything and that God will be his father. Do you, the reader, believe that this is true? What do you think Blake intended when he wrote that line? 3) The Angel with a bright key is a symbol. What does the symbol stand for? 4) In the second “Chimney Sweeper Poem,” the narrator blames a number of people for his misery. Whom does he blame? What have these people done to harm him? 5) What is the theme of each of these poems. 6) Does Blake adequately capture in his two poems the misery that these small children suffered? If so, how? If not, what does Blake miss or omit from the text?