Write the 1–to 2–page methodology section of your research proposal. The methodology section should expand on the work you began last week in your learning team. improve the draft. Your methodology section must contain the following subsections:
Subjects: Who will be studied? What are the characteristics of ideal participants (age, sex, race, socio-economic status, etc.)? How will the sample be selected? Address validity requirements. Provide a clear rationale for how and why subjects will be chosen using the methods you propose.
Design: What research design will be used (ideographic, longitudinal, etc.)? Describe the sequence of events that will occur during the research, such as dividing up subjects, what subjects will experience, frequency of observation, etc.
Data collection: Describe how data will be collected and controlled. Operationalize variables (independent, dependent, co-variables, etc.). Describe how each variable will be measured. Explain how reliability will be ensured.
Write a half page data analysis section of your research proposal. Revise and improve the draft you submit this week for your final Course Capstone submission. Your data analysis section must address the following:
How will the data be analyzed? What effects will be examined in each analysis? What will be the unit of analysis, and why was this unit chosen?
Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.