Write a two-page summary of an article on an aspect of emergency management. You


Write a two-page summary of an article on an aspect of emergency management. You may pick a focus either on a disaster type (natural hazard, public health, technological) or phase of emergency management (mitigation or prevention, preparedness, response, or recovery). **PLEASE FOCUS ON MITIGATION
Select your article from one of the following Journals:
The ASPEP Journal (American Society of Professional Emergency Planners)
The Australian Journal of Emergency Management
Disaster Prevention and Management: An International Journal (UK)
Disaster Recovery Journal (for Business Continuity Planners)
Disasters: The Journal of Disaster Studies, Policy and Management
Environmental Hazards: Human and Policy Dimensions
Homeland Protection Professional
International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters (International Research Committee on Disasters, American Sociological Association)
Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management (The Netherlands)
Journal of Emergency Management
Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management (electronic)
Natural Hazards: An International Journal of Hazards Research & Prevention
Natural Hazards Review (Natural Hazards Center, University of Colorado)


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