When researching the following ethnic tribes of the DRC, please consider and try


When researching the following ethnic tribes of the DRC, please consider and try to answer the following questions. Please provide citations for all of your work.
Provide a summary of the ethnic group History:
Provide a overview of conflicts that are affecting the ethnic group:
Please list likely feared actors who have been targeting members of the ethnic group, and examine why they are targeting them:
Explain ways the ethnic group can be identified by the feared actors (e.g. special language, physical features etc….)
Provide evidence that the ethnic tribe you are researching are still at risk of being harmed by the feared actors you listed above.
Examine whether it is reasonable or practical for members of this ethnic tribe to move to another part of the country internally? (i.e. Can they live safely elsewhere in the DRC)
Is the government capable or willing to protect the ethnic group?


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