This is an Essay for my dance class at Santa Monica College. 1.Choose one of the


This is an Essay for my dance class at Santa Monica College. 1.Choose one of the following dance concerts as listed on the “Concert Option Page.”
2. Choose one of the following interactive essaysLinks to an external site. to discuss in relation to your chosen dance concert. (Could be in relation to content, genre, context, theoretical concept, etc.) Note that each category contains several essays, so be sure to click on the category to see all options.
3. Develop a thesis statement (focus) in relation to one of the theories and/or concepts discussed in class. Your main focus is the concert/choreography. Your thesis is to define the lens through which you will discuss the concert/choreographer.
For example, if you choose to write about Merce Cunningham, your focus (thesis) could be looking at the idea of protest, and as an example of how post modern rejected the values of narrative modern works. This analysis would then go on to provide examples of how the dance work did this by giving movement descriptions and production descriptions, and provide other sources that discuss the history and context of Merce’s work.
Use movement description and specific examples of the work to support your observations and review the work.
Introduction and Thesis Statement: The thesis, or focus statement is in your introduction, and your main idea and point of view that you are presenting. Your thesis may be formed as a question or perspective you develop.
Triangulation: Your process of weaving together the materials you gather and research you conduct to explore the choreography/artist and thesis in the body, of your essay.
Conclusion: What did you discover? How did your thesis evolve?
Quality: Formal writing,(Third person)Links to an external site. and an articulate, developed report of your findings. Clear progression, organization, and connection of ideas/content.
Length :4-5 pages (no cover page, no images/photos, not including works cited page), typed, spell checked, proofread.
Citations/Format: Cite-All sources cited using MLA or APA format, and include timestamps and page numbers in text, when citing film examples or direct quotes/examples.
Double space, .12 font, 1 inch margins.
Include a works cited page.
Sources: In addition to the dance concert film, and dance essay, include at least 1 additional scholarly sources from this course, (articles, interviews, essays, etc.) You may also utilize the Library database for scholarly sources and book sources. Do not rely on Wikipedia or other variable online sources, and ALWAYS check the validity of your sources (example: do not assume that all blogs are trustworthy- look into who is writing and what their credentials are). A successful research paper will draw from a variety of sources, and may include personal interview or video, in addition to print and web sources.-At least, but not limited to two sources- you will be evaluated on the quality and thoughtful use of your sources.Choose ONE of the following full length dance works that interests you to write your analysis on. Each performance runs approx. 30-40 minutes. Research the choreographer or company you choose to aid you in writing your review. Bill T. Jones: Story/TimeLinks to an external site. Bebe Miller: Sel Fou!Links to an external site.Paul Taylor: Promethean FireLinks to an external site.Links to an external site.Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater:Links to an external site. Choose one of the three works: Grace, Takademe, or RevelationsShen Wei Dance Arts Performance/DemonstrationLinks to an external site. (Dance is interwoven throughout this lecture- please watch in it’s entirety) If you prefer to attend a local live concert, please e-mail your proposal for approval before attending and writing your review.
PLEASE on a separate doc write me just this part and then on another one the details I left above. 2. Select your interactive essay and choose one additional scholarly source from course to help you shape your focus. (You are welcome to research sources outside of this course if your focus requires it. Check out the SMC library data base!)
3. Develop a synopsis and thesis statement (examples below). 5. Provide your chosen sources at the end of your document as a works cited. (You will have at least two, your interactive essay and one additional source. This is the minimum, however you are encouraged to seek out additional sources).
The following are examples for reference only, and should not be used:
Goodbye Corset, Hello Freedom
One of the most prominent and enduring influences on early twentieth century culture is the life and work of Isadora Duncan. Credited in the dance world as being the mother of modern dance, Duncan’s fascination with free-flowing natural movements led her to introduce the world to a dance form that was the very opposite of ballet. Greatly intrigued by the Women’s Rights Movement of the time, this paper asserts that Duncan can be considered one of the first feminists. Duncan devoted her life not only to dance but to the liberation of women in society. This paper looks at how Duncan embodied and influenced freedom for women in her own life and work on the bodily level. Further, it reveals a changing viewpoint of Duncan’s life from past to present day.


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