This is an argumentative essay. The essay must be organized into six different sections. They reflect several of the stages from the Inquiry Process. This essay should be about 750 words.
There are a few important things you need to know. In the professional world, proposals are used to seek funding, gain resources, build a team, and to develop projects. Failure to adhere to formal requirements often result in a rejection of the proposal. These requirements include:
Providing specific and detailed information concisely. There is no room for wordiness and fluff. You will see that the length requirements are not demanding. Make sure you use these short requirements to deliver information and communicate your message clearly.
Proposals are a chance to show both your EXPERTISE and your POTENTIAL. It is not expected that you have all the answers. The point of a proposal is to gain resources that will help you to conduct research that will discover the answers. Therefore, you have to demonstrate that you know what you’re talking about (by relying upon outside sources and writing knowledgeably about the topic) and also demonstrate that you are curious by asking the right questions and being open to new discoveries.
Form and organization is extremely important. When proposals are reviewed, it is usually done by a team who spends hours sifting through hundreds (if not thousands) of proposals. They look for very specific pieces of information (which is communicated through the organization requirements). Any deviations from the form could quickly result in a proposal rejection.
Finally, proposals should use a professional tone with formal language and proper grammar.
NOTE: In order to follow APA guidelines, each heading must be introduced by a left-justified, bolded title.
A Working Title (5% – 5-15 words): Usually a concise, catchy title followed by a colon and a more descriiptive title (e.g., “An Unclear Future: Addressing the Air Quality Problems in the Basin”)
Statement of Problem (20% – 75 words): States topic clearly and effectively demonstrates why it’s important. It focuses on defining the issue, getting the reader to care about the issue, and explaining how is impacted by the issue.
Preliminary Research Questions (15% – 100 words). Presents exploratory research questions that will guide your research. The questions should focus on developing a policy claim. They may attempt to highlight multiple issues within this topic, which you will seek to answer in your research essay.
Solutions (15% – 100-150 words): Offers potential solutions to the problem and speculates on their strengths and weaknesses. This is essentially where you develop your hypothesis. You are not expected to have a workable, convincing solution yet. This is where you pitch multiple solutions which you will evaluate, narrow down, and support in your essay. Remember that your solution should focus on a policy claim. This means it will call upon people to act.
Literature Review: (20% – 400 words minimum). What have you learned so far in your preliminary research? Write in paragraph form.
References (15% – at least 3 sources). Sources are credible, contain accurate citations, in-depth information, have authors, dates, are from reputable websites and authors with demonstrable expertise.
APA 7th Formatting (10%). Paper follows guidelines for an APA 7th edition student paper, including a title page, page numbering, and a references page.