This assignment will give you a chance to practice annotation, close reading, cr


This assignment will give you a chance to practice annotation, close reading, critical thinking and literary analysis which will all be crucial to understand and use weekly in the course.
You will find attached a descriiption verses analysis exercise.
1) Start by opening the exercise and reading the difference between descriiption and analysis on page 1. Please note, page 1 is only to be read. Page 2 is the exercise itself.
2) Next, choose one of the short stories, either Rebecca Roanhorse, Sharang Biswas or Sandra Cisneros.
3) Finally, revisit the exercise document and complete both a descriiption and analysis of the short story found on page 2. The descriiption you write will not require as much time and effort and thus will not be as long as the analysis. The analysis will be your chance to dig deeper into the literary elements such as setting, character, tone, theme, figurative language, etc. Use your annotations of the story to help you in your analysis. In addition, ask yourself what, why and how when it comes to the literary elements the author is using. Your analysis should be at least twice as long as your descriiption.
1) Short Story: “Welcome to Your Authentic Indian Experience”- Rebecca Roanhorse
3) Short Story: “Salvador, Late or Early”- Sandra Cisneros


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