The discussion questions listed below are directly related to Module Learning Objectives (MLOs) for this Module and to Course Learning Objectives (CLOs). Discussion Question Response posts must develop an argument that answers the questions posed, relate it to the course material as evidence, engage with your peers’ answer and reasoning, and meet the expectations for spelling, grammar, length, and citations. All citations in history use Turabian Manual of Style Links to an external site., the Chicago citation quick guide for student research papers. The Author-Date citations are sufficient for discussion questions.
Textbook: Foner, DuVal, & McGirr, Give Me Liberty!, 7e, vol. 2, chapter 16, pp. 475-511
Please choose one (1) discussion question and post your response to that question (by Friday). Then respond to two (2) of your peers’ responses (by Monday:
Why were railroads so important to America’s second industrial revolution? What events demonstrate their influence on society and politics as well as the economy?
Why did organized efforts of farmers, workers, and local reformers largely fail to achieve substantive change in the Gilded Age?
Explain how social thinkers misapplied Charles Darwin’s ideas to justify massive disparities in wealth and power and to deny government a role in equalizing opportunity?
What were some of the obstacles that made it difficult for Native Americans to claim American citizenship in the nineteenth century?
Please post your initial response by 11:59 EST Friday of Week 3, and comment on the posts of two classmates by 11:59 EST Monday.