The assignment directions are to develop an infographic that communicates your a


The assignment directions are to develop an infographic that communicates your audience’s answers to the bullet points below. The infographic must include a complete answer to the statement to get full credit.
Create an infographic using the following statements:
Self-Assessment Statement Information
I can list the classes protected under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
• I can describe the changes implemented by the Civil Rights Act of 1991.
• I can define and give examples of BFOQ.
• I can define and explain disparate treatment and disparate impact.
• I can describe the provisions of Order Number 4.
• I can describe the role of the OFCCP.
• I can define and explain reverse discrimination.
• I can explain the coverage provided by the Age Discrimination in Employment Act.
• I can describe ADEA’s requirements for early retirement programs.
• I can explain the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
• I can describe the coverage provided by the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act.
• I can describe the coverage provided by USERRA.
• I can describe what information must be verified on an I-9 Form.
Infographics are a valuable tool for visual communication. The most visually unique, creative infographics are often the most effective because they grab our attention and don’t let go. Remember that the visuals in an infographic must do more than excite and engage.
They must help us understand and remember the infographic’s content, as seen in this infographic about employee resignation announcements. An infographic aims to inform and make the viewing experience fun and engaging for your audience. It all comes down to how you combine different graphic elements—like colors, icons, images, illustrations and fonts—to explain a topic in a compelling and easy-to-understand way.
When composing Infographic assignments, your infographic should inform your audience/employees of each bullet point stated in the “Self-Assessment.”
The information in the bullet points is not required to be stated in your Infographic word-for-word, rather your audience/employees should be informed of the communication in a form that your decide. Could be (charts, graphics, images, animations, symbols, colors).


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