Response paper should be about 3 double-spaced pages in length. These papers should take the form of critical summary and analysis of the readings’ positive and negative attributes. the paper should analyze the readings that are assigned for that week , for three weeks of your choice. the purpose of the paper is to demonstrate your knowledge and critical analysis of the assigned reading.
you should use all the reading for the paper
the reading:
Overview, What is Comparative Politics?
• Big Picture of the Subfield
o Charles Boix and Susan Stokes, “Overview of Comparative Politics,” The Oxford Handbook
of Political Science. 2011.
o Patrick Köllner, Rudra Sil, and Ariel I. Ahram, “Comparative Area Studies: What It Is, what
It Can Do,” in Comparative Area Studies: Methodological Rationales & Cross-Regional
Applications. Ariel I. Ahram, Patrick Köllner, and Rudra Sil, eds. (New York: Oxford
University Press, 2018), pgs. 3-26.
o Thomas B. Pepinsky, “The Return of the Single-Country Study,” Annual Review of Political
Science. 2019, Vol 22, pgs. 187-203.
• The “Standard” Methodological Picture
o Todd Landman, Issues and Methods in Comparative Politics: An Introduction (New York:
Routledge, 2003), pgs. 3-59 (Chapters 1-3).
o Matt Ryan, “The Comparative Method,” in Theory and Methods in Political Science. Vivien
Lowndes, David Marsh, & Gerry Stoker, eds. (London: Palgrave, 2018), pgs. 271-289.
o Recommended: B. Guy Peters, Strategies for Comparative Research in Political Science
(New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013), pgs. 1-60 (Chapters 1 and 2).