Representation: The cultures that we examined created works of art that presente


Representation: The cultures that we examined created works of art that presented the human body in unique ways (both in terms of physical characteristics and underlying meaning). Discuss the meaning of the unique representations of form that the artists created throughout the periods that we’ve examined. Were there instances in which the representation of the human form was more than just an image of what the artist saw? Was the human form intended to represent an idea or address the concerns of the artist or those that commissioned the work? If so discuss what these concerns were and how they were approached through art. Your essay must use at least five (5) specific and dated examples drawn from at least 3 different cultures or time periods. The works you choose should back up your statements. The examples should be discussed fully within your narrative and not briefly addressed in a “bulleted list.”
Your essay must be at least three (3) pages in length, must include properly cited peer-reviewed references to support your statements and must be proofread for grammar and spelling. Make sure that you properly cite all references, as plagiarized papers will result in a failing grade in the course.
Additional notes about the summary question assignment:
1. Use a title page for your name and the question you are writing about. Neither the title page nor the bibliography count toward the three page minimum required of this assignment. Do not put your name and other information on any of the pages that are part of your text answer.
2. You may go over three pages for each answer but anything below this will result in a 10% reduction in your grade.
3. You may include images in an appendix but not in the body of your answer. Again, the appendix does not count toward your three page minimum.
4. Make sure to properly cite your sources in the body of your text and include a properly formatted bibliography at the end. While you can use APA, MLA, or Chicago Manual of Style, I do prefer parenthetical citations in the text. The following would be an example of a parenthetical citation that includes author’s name, the year of the publication, and the page numbers (Brenningmeyer 2017, 33-45). The citation is situated inside of the period at the end of the sentence.5. When you cite material make sure to cite all information that is not your own. Do not just put a citation at the end of a paragraph. You should use information to develop your ideas and cite those facts that are specifically drawn from sources. The point of citations is to 1) identify ideas and statements that are not your own 2) to provide scholarly support for your own statements. While I do not want your own personal interpretation, as a scholar and an educated human being you need to be able to take information from a source, contextualize and use this information and then cite support for what you are saying. Not every sentence should be paraphrased text or a quote. Read the material, understand and interpret what is being said, use it to answer the question and then provide evidence for your statements drawn from peer reviewed sources.
6. Make sure that you properly Identify and date examples within the text. Each example that you use must be fully identified and must have a correct date. As an example, if you use the Venus of Willendorf you must note the full name rather than “Paleolithic Venus” or something overly vague like this. Your examples should be selected so that they help you answer the question. These are the foundation on which you will build your answer. I would begin by selecting your images and then work out from there.
7. Do not use examples from a single culture. I am looking for your depth and breadth of knowledge. Therefore, I expect to see at least 3 or more cultures covered in the five examples you select. In some instances you may choose to illustrate a change or development of a particular style or idea. In these instances you may end up using a couple of examples to highlight this development. Each example must be fully discussed in these and all other instances. Make sure that you demonstrate the breadth and depth of your knowledge through the selection of a variety of examples and cultures discussed throughout the semester.
8. Again, make sure that all of your sources are peer reviewed. The articles that you have read and the course text are good places to begin. Some of the required readings (articles) include information that would fit really well with the questions that I’m posing. I would encourage you to make sure that you’ve read and thought about these.
I have listed the things that were discussed in the lecture also I have already completed a 3-page essay I just need you to add the things up top like citations and back up my statement. There are two attached one for the essay which I have complete and the second is about the lecture.


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