Please write this paper as If you are writing about my personal life. Self-Re


Please write this paper as If you are writing about my personal life.

In a thorough paragraph, reflect honestly upon why you chose to take this course. We are
in Week 2; are you currently on track to achieve your goals? Is there anything that needs to
Leading People and Organizations
We have gone through the first few chapters of the text. In a thorough paragraph, address
the following questions: What are some concepts that stick out to you?(Development planning, Building Technical Competence) What are some concepts
that you feel will be beneficial as you move forward? (Moral reasoning and character based leadership, Implications of the 5 factor or Ocean Model) Make sure you draw on the textbook and
cite your sources.
Personal Strengths
In a thorough paragraph, please explain some of your personal strengths related to the
course material so far. (Please use the concepts mentions in parenthesis mentioned above that sticks. elaborate as to why I chose them here.) Where do you excel? What are some areas for improvement? (leadership pipeline) Make sure
you draw on the textbook and cite your sources.
In a thorough paragraph, sum up your self reflection. Add any additional information you
think is important. Remember, this is about reflecting on how this course and its concepts can
apply to you!
Use font style Times New Roman size 12 with double spacing for all assignments and one-inch margins on all sides.
Be thorough enough to answer each question, but also strive to be concise. The page requirements for this assignment are 2-3 pages. Do not exceed 4 pages.
Hughes, R. L., Ginnett, R. C., & Curphy, G. J. (2022). Leadership: Enhancing the lessons of experience (10th ed.). McGraw-Hill Education.


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