Please take the peer feedback you receive on your draft into consideration and f


Please take the peer feedback you receive on your draft into consideration and follow the advice for revising that was given on pages 218-220 of your textbook, as you complete and submit the final draft of your analytical essay. The question that should drive your analysis is, “What does this work really mean or intend to say?”
Your final essay should be at least 750 words in length and should follow the guidelines in The Curious Writer for writing an analytical essay and the suggestions offered below. Of course, as with any essay, be sure to create an effective introduction and a satisfying conclusion. Do not assume the reader knows anything about the film or story you are analyzing; be sure to provide the details needed to support your analysis and interpretation.
You have 4 options to choose from:
Your essay could be an analysis of one of the following short films:
Martin, Ariel. (Director). The iMom [Video file]. Filmgraphics Entertainment. Retrieved from
Cimini, Giacomo (Writer & Director). (2014). The Nostalgist [Video file]. Wonder Room Productions. Retrieved from
Or your essay could be an analysis of one of the following short stories:
Casil, A. S. (2006). Perfect stranger. Fantasy & Science Fiction, 111(3), 120. Retrieved from
Vonnegut, Kurt. (1961). Harrison Bergeron. Retrieved from Internet Archive website: Bergeron.pdf
NOTE: Be sure to consult the student model of the essay about Meghan Trainor’s song “All About That Bass.” This essay can be found on pages 220-222 of the textbook. The student writer starts by recognizing the intended meaning of the song but then, by applying the critical analysis method to Trainor’s song, she uncovers some unintended deeper meanings as well.
Start with an introduction in which you try to create some interest in your topic and offer a brief summary of the work you are going to analyze.
Do not assume your reader has read or seen the work you are analyzing.
Do not go overboard with details here. Save the details to support the obvious and then deeper interpretation.
Provide the obvious interpretation of the work you’re analyzing with sufficient details from the work to make this interpretation convincing.
Apply the typical questions of an analytical method to the subject of your analysis.
Raise some doubt in your readers mind about the adequacy of the obvious interpretation.
Suggest to the reader that there is another meaning of the work you’re writing about to be found by analyzing further the details/answers you’ve identified.
Offer a revised interpretation or an alternative interpretation that takes into account the answers to the typical questions of your selected method. Be sure to support this interpretation with relevant details from the work being analyzed.
Conclude by offering a revised statement of the meaning of the work you’re analyzing, one that incorporates both the original, obvious meaning and the deeper meaning you’ve discovered. Make sure to apply the meaning of the film/story you’re writing about to our real lives too.
For additional assignment details, go to the Major Assignments folder in the left-hand navigation column and select “Analytical Essay Outline” to view and/or print the assignment summary.
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