Please ensure that your response cites at least two scholarly sources or government reports.
At the core of naval force design is a tension between buying existing technology now or using that money to research and build something new for the future. The former path can deliver capabilities immediately but risks more developed concepts/tools down the road. The latter path sacrifices immediate capabilities while investing in the development of unproven methods and weapons of the future. Given limited resources, how should the naval services approach this tension between buying more things now and investing in research and development for the future?
-at least 260 words
-provide details and the sources are attached
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Center for a New American Security (CNAS), “Special Event: The Future of U.S. Naval Strategy,” YouTube video, 4:11, April 7, 2021,
Center for Strategic & International Studies, “Delivering on the Future of Submarine Warfare,” YouTube video, 58:50, July 8, 2016,
U.S. Naval Institute, “Debate on the Future of Aircraft Carriers,” YouTube video, 1:16:12, January 9, 2015,