Overview Leadership maps are a valuable reflective tool for emerging leaders. Th


Leadership maps are a valuable reflective tool for emerging leaders. They help leaders develop self-awareness and a growth mindset while revealing areas of opportunity for improvement. In this assignment, you will review the results of the self-assessments you’ve completed throughout the course as well as reflect on your perceptions and biases. Then, you will create a leadership map using a presentation tool of your choice. Your leadership map will also help you complete Project Two, due in Module Eight.
Use a visual presentation tool of your choice to create a map of the traits, skills, and strengths and weaknesses you have identified about yourself as a leader. You are encouraged to use the results from course resource assessments, such as the Big Five assessment, to guide your reflections.
Use the example below to see what a leadership map might look like. (Example is attached)
Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:
Personality Traits: List your key leadership personality traits based on self-reflections and relevant assessment results from course resources.
Communication Skills: Identify strengths and weaknesses in your communication skills.
Leadership Style: Identify the leadership styles or approaches you relate to most closely.
Career Goals and Development: Identify your professional goals and opportunities for career and leadership development.
What to Submit
Submit your visual map as a PDF file. You may use the tool of your choice to design your leadership map. Example tools to consider using include the following:
Microsoft Word


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