Overview: As you have seen in this week’s required resources, cultural factors a


As you have seen in this week’s required resources, cultural factors and biases affect the decisions we make about ethical issues. This is true for us, and it is also true for characters in books, movies, and television shows. Now you will take time to reflect on an ethical issue that you have encountered in a movie, book, or television show. For instance, Disney offers a variety of media that have examples of ethical ideologies.
In this short paper, you will explore how cultural factors and biases affect decision making regarding ethical issues.
Specifically, you must address the following:
Describe a Western, Eastern, or Indigenous Tribal ethical issue from a movie, book, or television show.
Be sure to specify whether the example is a Western, Eastern, or Indigenous Tribal ethical issue.
If the example contains elements of more than one ethical ideology (Western, Eastern, or Indigenous Tribal), be sure to specify what the ethical ideologies are.
Describe how you see bias affecting the decisions the characters made in your example.
Be sure to state what you think the bias is.
Remember that bias can be positive or negative. Everyone has bias.
Explain what cultural morals and values appeared to be guiding the decisions the characters made about the ethical issue.
Be sure to give examples to support your opinion.
What to Submit:
Submit your paper as a one- to two-page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Use at least one source to support your short paper. Follow APA citation guidelines when citing sources both throughout and at the end of your paper.


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