Once a week, you will write a brief journal entry (1-2 paragraphs) explaining ho


Once a week, you will write a brief journal entry (1-2 paragraphs) explaining how a recent social interaction demonstrates a concept discussed in lecture. Each entry is worth a maximum of 5 points. Points will be awarded based on how clearly you described the social interaction and how accurately you related it to a social psychology concept. Journal entries will be made – and available for others to view – on this discussion forum. Each will be due at 11:59PM on Sunday night between Weeks 1-10. Click on the “Reply” button below to begin your entry.
Example journal entry:
Today as I was driving into work, a car cut me off on I-5 and almost caused me to rearend him. I was furious. I drove up next to him to look into his car and saw exactly what I was expecting: a young, a male driver. I immediately thought, “what an asshole!” My assumption that his behavior (cutting me off) was a product of his disposition (being a young man), rather than his situation illustrates the fundamental attribution error discussed in class. Perhaps he is not an asshole, but was late for work. We are more likely to commit the fundamental attribution error when explaining others’ behavior, so I bet that if I were the one to have cut somebody off, I would have more quickly considered the impact of the situation.


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