Instructions for Speech 1: An epiphany is a life-changing insight brought about


Instructions for Speech 1:
An epiphany is a life-changing insight brought about by some significant event. Discuss in a 3-4 minute presentation, an epiphany you have experienced. Concentrate on the nature of the insight and the event that brought it about. Be sure to indicate how the epiphany changed your life and whether or not the change was for the better.
You may write out your introductory and concluding paragraphs, but the body must be in the form of an outline. The body of the speech should not be read word-for-word, but you may freely refer to your outline. You MUST submit a copy of the outline prior to your speech. The outline should be submitted on or before Wednesday of next week, via the Week 5 Assignment dropbox.
Speech #1 OUTLINE
Give brief history of myself
Body Content
History of education background
Financial Constraints
Employment (discuss employment type)
Thank everyone for Listening


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