Inclusion or Non-inclusion: Have you ever wondered? Module 1 c No unread replies


Inclusion or Non-inclusion: Have you ever wondered? Module 1 c
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The following discussion has two major parts, requiring you to reflect on the questions and points below. You have been assigned to one of three specific groups to exchange communication with the peers in your group.
Using critical thought in your reflection share your answers and any potential reasoning you believe to support your answer to each of these questions.´
How many of you have ever reviewed your undergraduate/graduate textbooks intentionally searching for the inclusion of content on Native American/Indigenous Populations?
´If your textbooks included content on the populations, did you ever think to count the number of pages devoted to discussion on Indigenous Populations in comparison to other groups?
´In reflecting on your undergraduate/graduate academic experiences, how much time was spent discussing Indigenous Populations?
´Of the assignments completed in your undergraduate/graduate courses, share any particular one that was specifically focused on Native American/Indigenous Populations. If there was not an assignment completed specifically on Native American/Indigenous Populations discuss your view on potential reasons for the lack of focus on Indigenous Populations.
Next, in the PowerPoint of Module One, there is a brief introduction to the meaning of a “Talking Circle”.
What is your perspective on the meaning of the Talking Circle?
After reviewing the meaning of a Talking Circle and the rubric how do you think it could apply to the feeling of social belongingness, well-being, and social work skill-building?


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