For this assignment, you will prepare a written synopsis and critical response t


For this assignment, you will prepare a written synopsis and critical response to Cummins’ (2014)
article (optionally with Sato, 2023) . Your response must be 5 pages maximum,
contexts with which you are familiar (i.e., pedagogical implications).
▪ e.g., What do you see this article prompting you, or other SLE educators, to
double-spaced, 12-pt font, 1-inch margins – not including the reference list, title page, etc.
Your response should include:
A. Introduction (1 page maximum)
o Briefly and clearly describe your own experience(s) with language learning/teaching
in Canada and/or abroad;
o How have you have previously/currently engaged with educational research – where
do you find it? What kinds of research content do you engage with?
B. Summary of the article (1 page maximum)
o Identify and summarize the main arguments presented in the article(s);
C. Critical reflection (2 pages)
o Analyze the article by answering the following questions:
▪ What issues resonate most with you given the experience(s) described in the
▪ What issues remain to be addressed?
o Develop a clear, logical and critically oriented* discussion.
D. Conclusion (1 page)
o Describe the salience/contribution of the article(s) in terms of the instructional SLE
(not) do?
E. A reference section listing all sources you consulted (following the guidelines described in
the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, APA).
*What is meant by critical? Try your best to reflect on your assumptions about SLE in relation to
your own social, historical, and lived experiences in different contexts (asking yourself, for example,
how and why do I believe what I believe about this area/issue? From where do my beliefs come?
What research supports/nuances/disagrees with this? etc.). Then, consider how the pre-conceived
notions or prevailing knowledge you have about SLE prior to reading the articles may have
changed considering the article findings and/or your experiences as a language learner/teacher to
You will be evaluated on your ability to:
• Adhere to the instructions outlined above;
• Succinctly describe your L2 teaching/learning experiences
• Summarize the article in a clear and organized manner;
• Make insightful links between your experience and the concepts/literature explored in the
• Follow APA writing guidelines and style
AI use it prohibited
** Please note** provided is the article for Cummins that needs to be summarized and criticized. Sato article is only a supporting article.
documents uploaded are:
1) Cummins 2014 article
2)Sato 2023 article
3) An exemplar; the required paper should be very similar ( life experiences and how they apply to the article)
4) Personal experience and how it resonates to Second Langauge learning. ( some examples are given but feel free to add more in terms of research).


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