Dissertation Chapter 1: Introduction (2500 words) Introduction (Tell a bit story


Chapter 1: Introduction (2500 words)
Introduction (Tell a bit story around the research interest and what the assignment is about) (300 words)
Background (Talk about the factors/drivers of the research topic) (300 words)
Significance of the study (Why this research is relevant in the healthcare sector) (300 words)
Aim and Objectives (Aim: Must be aligned with research topic) (Objectives: Must demonstrate and achieve the research aim) (Research Question: Question that will enable to achieve research aim and objectives) (200 words)
Literature Review (With relevant two three sub headings) (1500 words)
Chapter 2: Methodology (1500 words)
Define research method and design (Appraisal tools: PICO, Prisma)
Systematic review
Inclusion and Exclusion criteria
Data collection
Data Analysis
Chapter 3: Result and Findings (1500 words)
Talk about what research have found
Summary of the findings from systematic literature review
Choose and present the results on a tabular format
Chapter 4: Discussion (1500 words)
Critically state the implication of the result towards healthcare sector
Critically analyze the impact of the findings towards healthcare sector
Identify the limitations and gaps exists
Chapter 5: Conclusion (1000 words)
Identify few factors emerged from the research
Make suggestions about the solutions toward the problem


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