Choose TWO DIFFERENT options for your Mini Projects.
You need not do them in any particular order. Please note the choices listed for each option!
Please include these general items for each Mini-Project:
Description of required material with specific examples.
Your analysis of the information you found—how does the information connect to what we are learning?
Your personal reaction to the material—how will you use this information in the future?
Papers should be a minimum of 750 words.
Papers should be proof-read in addition to using a spell checker.
Do not simply copy-and-paste large quantities of material from websites, articles, etc.! Use short quotes, as well as summaries and your own thoughts about the information.
Please be sure to use correct citations for resources you use (titles, authors, website addresses, etc.) to avoid any type of plagiarism, and include a bibliography at the end (if appropriate).
See the SHS Department Guidelines for Written Work Links to an external site. for additional requirements and suggestions.
Students may wish to visit the Student Learning Center (Writing Center) in Mukilteo Hall for free advice on their paper before submitting it.
No late papers will be accepted. Papers will be submitted as an attachment using the link on our class Canvas site and must be one of these types: .doc, .docx, .rtf or .pdf. DO NOT email papers to me as papers submitted those ways will not be graded.
Grading will be based on the following: clear description of the material, use of resources as appropriate, specific connections to issues relating to human services, writing style and mechanics.
Purpose: Expand student knowledge of partnerships in their community.
Description: Write a 750 – 1000 word paper addressing the following:
Discuss an issue effecting families (of interest to you) that you think should be addressed by more than one agency or program.
What is the issue?
Why is it important to you?
Research agencies in your county that may need to come to the table to discuss this issue. For example, if your issue is the need for better services for mothers of young children, who should be at the table? Health care programs, libraries, food programs?
Give a brief (one or two sentences) description of each agency you think should be involved, its purpose and its clientele, and service area. You can find this out on the web. Some agencies are also noted in the Resource Module.
It is possible such a collaboration or partnership already exists. If so, describe the collaboration and note if you think there are partners missing that should be at the table.
Criteria for Grading include:
Timely submission
Clarity of focus and expression of coherent ideas related to the topic.
Thoughtfulness and thoroughness of responses.
Adequate development and support of expressed ideas.
Integration of learning, new insights and reflections.
Edited for grammar, spelling etc.
Please also remember that this paper should be approximately 3 pages, double-spaced, 12 point font. A full-page of content that is double-spaced with words in 12pt font is usually anywhere from 200 to 250 words.
Reminder: By definition, a collaborative effort requires more than one organization. See the document ‘A single agency by its self is not a collaboration’ in Module Week 4.
Purpose: To broaden the student’s perspective and understanding of collaborative efforts.
Project: Write a 750 – 1000 word paper discussing a partnership you have discovered in your community.
Identify one local collaborative effort, community partnership, coalition or council to discuss.
Research through the internet, and. . . .
Make a phone appointment or in person appointment to meet with someone involved in the partnership. Remember that although you may be meeting with a single organization, a single organization by its self is not the collaboration. Let them know that you are a student wanting to learn more about local partnerships.
Use the interview questions below only as a guide to learn more about the collaboration.
Present a written analysis of the effort. Be sure to identify the specific partner you interviewed.
Include the following key points:
How can it be identified as a “collaboration”? If it is not a collaboration as defined by our text, and by Himmelman, what is it? Contrast and compare the type of partnership it is to a “collaboration”.
What’s the benefit to the community?
How does it encourage empowerment?
How are they meeting their goals or fulfilling their mission?
Consider principles of partnerships and challenges in forming collaborations — how have they, (or why haven’t they) met them?
What about sustainability?
Collaboration Interview Guiding Questions
Share the history on starting your collaboration. Who initiated the first meeting? How did you decide on membership?
Do you have a vision or mission for your collaboration? Who participated in the process? Has it been difficult for members to focus on the mission rather than self interest?
What mechanisms have you developed to facilitate communication, build trust, maintain enthusiasm, and share power among members? What barriers have you experienced?
How do you measure your success in building collaboration?
What have you learned from this experience so far and what changes would you make if you were starting over? What advice do you have for others in the community who want to work in collaboration?
Criteria for Grading include:
Timely submission
Clarity of focus and expression of coherent ideas related to the topic.
Thoughtfulness and thoroughness of responses.
Adequate development and support of expressed ideas.
Integration of learning, new insights and reflections.
Edited for grammar, spelling etc.
Please also remember that this paper should be approximately 3 pages, double-spaced, 12 point font. A full-page of content that is double-spaced with words in 12pt font is usually anywhere from 200 to 250 words.
Reminder: By definition, a collaborative effort requires more than one organization. See the document ‘A single agency by its self is not a collaboration’ in Module Week 4.
Purpose: To broaden the student’s perspective and understanding of collaborative efforts.
Project: Write a 750 – 1000 word paper discussing a partnership you have discovered in your community.
Identify one local collaborative effort, community partnership, coalition or council to discuss.
Research through the internet, and. . . .
Make a phone appointment or in person appointment to meet with someone involved in the partnership. Remember that although you may be meeting with a single organization, a single organization by its self is not the collaboration. Let them know that you are a student wanting to learn more about local partnerships.
Use the interview questions below only as a guide to learn more about the collaboration.
Present a written analysis of the effort. Be sure to identify the specific partner you interviewed.
Include the following key points:
How can it be identified as a “collaboration”? If it is not a collaboration as defined by our text, and by Himmelman, what is it? Contrast and compare the type of partnership it is to a “collaboration”.
What’s the benefit to the community?
How does it encourage empowerment?
How are they meeting their goals or fulfilling their mission?
Consider principles of partnerships and challenges in forming collaborations — how have they, (or why haven’t they) met them?
What about sustainability?
Collaboration Interview Guiding Questions
Share the history on starting your collaboration. Who initiated the first meeting? How did you decide on membership?
Do you have a vision or mission for your collaboration? Who participated in the process? Has it been difficult for members to focus on the mission rather than self interest?
What mechanisms have you developed to facilitate communication, build trust, maintain enthusiasm, and share power among members? What barriers have you experienced?
How do you measure your success in building collaboration?
What have you learned from this experience so far and what changes would you make if you were starting over? What advice do you have for others in the community who want to work in collaboration?
Criteria for Grading include:
Timely submission
Clarity of focus and expression of coherent ideas related to the topic.
Thoughtfulness and thoroughness of responses.
Adequate development and support of expressed ideas.
Integration of learning, new insights and reflections.
Edited for grammar, spelling etc.
Please also remember that this paper should be approximately 3 pages, double-spaced, 12 point font. A full-page of content that is double-spaced with words in 12pt font is usually anywhere from 200 to 250 words.