Choose one or two areas of law from your book that we have covered in the course


Choose one or two areas of law from your book that we have covered in the course. An example might be contract law, employment law, business formations, etc. YOU MAY NOT SELECT CRIMINAL LAW.
Prepare an overview of that area of law. Your paper must be at least three (3) pages long but should be no longer than five (5) pages.
Write the paper as if you were explaining the area of the law to a fellow UNCP student who asked about that area of law who was not enrolled in this class. For example, if you were on the UNCP campus, and a student said to you, “Explain contracts law to me,” your paper would be an attempt, in 3-5 pages, to answer that question.
You may discuss a case or cases from that area of law within your paper to illustrate key areas of the law. This is OPTIONAL, but will improve your grade. The more notable the case, the better your paper will be. Also, if you can find a North Carolina case or cases which discuss or explain how North Carolina implements that area of the law, this will be an additional boost to your paper. (Hint: Search on Google Scholar for North Carolina cases related to your area of the law.)
Do NOT cheat or simply lift passages from Wikipedia or some other source. This is an on-line class, and I can do a Google search as easily as you can. I encourage you to use various sources, including case law. Just be sure to CITE your work internally and at the end of your paper. As long as you give credit to the source you are using, you are fine. Just make sure to CITE everything, and make sure to use proper quotation punctuation if you are quoting an article.
If you have any questions, I will be happy to answer them. If you wait until the last week of class to ask questions, however, I may not be able to answer them. I am posting this assignment early in the year so that you may go ahead and start thinking about or start working on your final paper.


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