Activity 4: Complete Section Data Collection
Activity Description
Submit Research Data Collection Procedures: Submit Research Data Collection Procedures:
The candidate will provide a concise but thorough description of the steps used to collect data from the participants. Describe any recruitment processes and/or communication; describe the informed consent process; and note the data collection schedule. If interviews are conducted indicate the length, the number, where conducted, and stipulate how they will be recorded. For surveys, describe the procedures for how they will be distributed and collected. Include all other procedures and processes needed to replicate the study. If archival data are used, describe the process by which the data will be procured, selected, and utilized. For any other methods of data collection provide a complete description of all processes. Note IRB Approval is required for all types of studies.
Review the Doctoral Project Handbook, the Doctoral Project template, IRB Policies and Procedures and application.
Submit paper describing all data collection procedures. Include recruitment letter and consent form as an appendix. Paper should be 2 to 3 pages for discussion or data collection procedures and additional pages for each type of recruitment correspondence and consent form.
Activity Outcomes
Create a data collection, sample population, and data analysis section appropriate to the study design.
Grading Scale
Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory