You have been asked to join a Professional Learning Community (PLC) in your district that consists of mathematics teachers at all grade levels. Your PLC has been given a School District Data Set that shows how students across the school district performed on all tested content areas of the STAAR test. The data set also contains test scores from surrounding districts that have campuses that geographically border your district. Your PLC is only focused on the mathematics scores provided on the data set. Your responsibility within the PLC is to disaggregate* the School District Data Set to identify trends and patterns found in mathematics scores to inform decision-making in your district about mathematics instruction. You will be tasked with creating a visual presentation of your analysis to the PLC with accompanying charts and/or graphs to represent and explain your findings.
*Disaggregated data refers to the separation of compiled information into smaller units to elucidate underlying trends and patterns.
Part 1: Data Analysis Report:
Complete the following for your report:
Review the School District Data Set to disaggregate* the data into 4 separate sheets on 1 Excel spreadsheet (Refer to the work you did for Module 1 Optional Activity)
Create an Excel Spreadsheet with a minimum of 4 Sheets that builds on the ORGL 3331 Plano Raw Data_Excel (Note: Additional tabs/sheets can be added, but ONLY if germane to your project presentation.)
Excel Spreadsheet – Plano Raw: Data provided for you that was converted from the optional Module 1 PDF data set and presented in Module 2 Optional Activity instructions.
Excel Spreadsheet- Plano Math_Enr=400+: Create a sheet with Plano mathematics scores at the district level for all tested grades. (Refer to the work you did for Module 2 Optional Activity)
Excel Spreadsheet – Mean.Med.Mode: Create a sheet listing the mean, median, and mode for the elementary, middle, and high school campuses included in sheet 2 (campuses with enrollment of 400+). (Refer to the work you did for the Module 3 Optional Activity)
Excel Spreadsheet – Patterns: Create a spreadsheet that includes the visuals of additional analysis and graphics (i.e., pivot tables, pivot charts, combo charts) that you plan to copy and paste into your PowerPoint presentation. (Refer to the work you did for the Module 5 Optional Activity)
You will use your spreadsheet to do your presentation in Part 2. (Note: Be sure to clean your Excel file of untitled tabs/worksheets and any analysis you did not pursue in your presentation before you submit; also be sure that all data, charts, axes, tables are clearly labeled.)
Submit Part 1 (Excel Spreadsheet) ONLY for Part 1
Resources For Culminating Project:
DDDM Teacher Resource Booklet – This booklet will help walk you through your project.
Data to Use for Project: ORGL 3331 Plano Raw Data_Excel
Resources for Part 1:
You will need to create Pivot Tables & Charts for your project. As a review from earlier in the course, below are the YouTube Videos of how to creating Pivot Tables in Excel:
Introduction to Pivot Tables, Charts, and Dashboards in Excel by Excel Campus
Part 1: Building a Pivot Table
Part 2: Using a Pivot Table to Create Charts
Part 3: Building a Dashboard