Watch the LTCM video and write a 4-5 page (double-spaced) paper summarizing the series of events in the video.
Please detail the core trade of LTCM including the logic and all steps required from the outset to conclusion of the trade. Describe this as LTCM may have done to a prospective investor.
What were companies in Thailand doing that was unusual in the late 1990’s? Please detail the specific steps companies were taking, why they were doing it, and what they expected to do at the conclusion of the strategy.
What happened to hurt the Thai companies? Detail why their strategy went bad and the effect on the companies who tried it. What other countries got into a similar situation as Thailand? Which of those country’s currencies was hardest hit?
What was the role of hedge funds in helping to precipitate the crisis? What positions did the hedge funds take and what was their logic in taking those positions? The Russian ruble was at a level of about 5 R/$ in in the mid-1990’s. Why did it go to about $25 R/$ in the late 1990’s? Where is the Russian ruble today, and is it stronger or weaker than during the Russian ruble crisis of 1998?
What was the ultimate impact of the global events of 1997-1998 on LTCM’s core trade? Explain in detail what went right or wrong and why.