use reading material Authors: Lazzari Publisher:Use reading material Exploring A


use reading material Authors: Lazzari
Publisher:Use reading material Exploring Art: A Global, Thematic Approach Cengage Learning US
Format: e-Text no POD (VS)
Edition: 5l Exploring Art: A Global, Thematic Approach: Chapters 5-6 from This week we examined art from some of the earliest periods of human history, focusing on art related to our most basic needs: food and shelter, sexuality, and reproduction.
What were two formal elements that you saw repeated when looking at art focusing on our most basic needs?
For each element, name both the element and at least one work where you saw that element employed. List at least two elements and two works of art in total.
Why do you think each element was important in the works that you identified?
For example: Unity is frequently used to represent primordial couples. In Masaccio’s Adam and Eve, Adam and Eve are depicted in peach colors that signify their nudity; the color and movement unify them as a couple. The artist used color and movement to visually connect the figures. In so doing, Masaccio emphasized their role as a couple and their expulsion from the gates of paradise.


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