To prepare for this Discussion:
Review Chapter 6, “Juvenile Offender Suicide: Prevalence, Risk Factors, Assessment, and Crisis Intervention Protocols,” in the course text Correctional Counseling and Treatment. Consider the risk factors common among juvenile offenders and think about how these factors are similar to and different from adult offender risk factors.
Review Chapter 7, “Finding Evidence-Based Juvenile Offender Treatment Programs: A National Survey,” in the course text Correctional Counseling and Treatment. Think about how effective treatment approaches and programs for juveniles differ from those for treating adult offenders. Consider how the approaches and programs for these two forensic populations are similar.
Think about the unique characteristics of juvenile offenders and reflect on considerations related to the treatment of juvenile offenders.
Select at least two similarities and two differences between juvenile and adult offender treatment approaches and programs.
With these thoughts in mind:
Post by Day 4 a comparison (similarities and differences) between juvenile and adult offender treatment approaches and programs. Explain at least two similarities and two differences related to treatment approaches and treatment programs. Explain at least one conclusion you drew or insight you gained as a result of your comparison.
Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.