This week you will be completing a cross-cultural (comparative) analysis activity: You will begin this activity by conducting research about the education system in a country of your choice. There are seven countries that you may NOT choose: Mexico, Canada, England, Australia, China, India, and the United States-these seven countries are off-limits and may not be chosen by anyone.
In your research, be sure to find out some of the key comparative variables (level of literacy, average level of education) and other educational issues facing your country.
Create a 10-12 slide PowerPoint (not including your title slide and reference slide) that highlights the educational system of your country. Be sure to include some of the pros/cons of the educational system in your country. Tell us something fascinating about the education system in your country-Tell us something sad- Educate us! Have fun with this project and be creative.
Post your completed PowerPoint to the Ch. 12 Activity Discussion Board by Friday and then comment on at least four of your classmates PowerPoints by Sunday. You will not see other projects until you post your own.