The project plan helps us understand the high-level tasks that will need to be completed to meet objectives as well as estimate timelines. When we take this information and put it in charts (i.e. Gantt and PERT), we can use the visual to quickly view our plan and understand how we are working towards our objectives.
Gantt Chart ImagePERT Chart Image
Figure 1: Gantt and PERT Charts Example
This week’s assignment is to pretend that the career services office at your university wants to develop a system that collects student résumés and makes them available to students and recruiters over the Web. Students should be able to input their résumé information into a standard résumé template. The information then is presented in a résumé format, and it also is placed in a database that can be queried through an online search form. You have been placed in charge of the project.
The goal of this assignment is to:
Prepare a plan for estimating the project. How long do you think it would take for you and three other students to complete the project?
Provide support for the schedule that you propose.
Create a work plan that lists the tasks that will need to be completed to meet the project’s objectives. Create a Gantt chart and a PERT chart in a project management tool (e.g., Microsoft Project) or use a spreadsheet package to graphically show the high-level tasks of the project.
Write out your plan and provide support (explanations) for the schedule that you are proposing (1-2 pages).
Formalize your plan information by preparing a Gantt and PERT chart and upload the word document, Gantt and PERT chart to Canvas.