The Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) made videos to explain jointness to their employees.
Select one of the geographic commands featured in the DIA videos in this week’s resources and outline its place in the Unified Command Plan.
Explain the mission and functions of your service within that command.
Discuss the mission relationships and interoperability between the Navy, Marines, and Coast Guard within that command.
Explain what your service (Navy) can or should do to improve relationships and interoperability between Naval Force components and ultimately enhance readiness within that command.
Defense Intelligence Agency, “DIA’s Beyond the Beltway: U.S. Strategic Command,” YouTube video, 4:27, February 21, 2018,
Defense Intelligence Agency, “DIA’s Beyond the Beltway: U.S. Transportation Command,” YouTube video, 5:16, October 17, 2017,
Defense Intelligence Agency, “DIA’s Beyond the Beltway: U.S. Southern Command,” YouTube video, 3:27, February 22, 2016,
Defense Intelligence Agency, “DIA’s Beyond the Beltway: U.S. Central Command,” YouTube video, 6:00, May 13, 2019,
Defense Intelligence Agency, “DIA’s Beyond the Beltway: U.S. Africa Command,” YouTube video, 5:55, June 25, 2018,
Another reference:
750 words in length (not counting the title and reference pages).
Format: 12-point font, Times New Roman, and double-spaced.
Ensure it has a dedicated introduction, conclusion, and references/citations as required.
Be sure to follow Chicago Manual of Style 17th Edition for citations.
Use footnotes an cite sources attached
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