Remember to respond to Shykavzar and while being respectful of and sensitive


Remember to respond to Shykavzar and while being respectful of and sensitive to their viewpoints. Consider advancing the discussion in the following ways:
Post an article, video, or visual to reinforce a peer’s idea or challenge them to see their point from a different perspective.
Engage in conversation with your peers around changes and limitations of the DSM.
Shykanzar post
Changes to the DSM have impacted clinical diagnosis for homosexuality and PTSD. When the APA removed homosexuality from the DSM in 1973, it meant that clinicals could no longer try to treat or cure it. When the DSM-5 decided to move PTSD from the anxiety disorder category and into the Trauma and Stressor-Related category, it gave clinicals the opportunity to focus on the trauma that caused the PTSD instead of trying to cure the patient.
     Homosexuals face social stress due to homophobia and heterosexism. This type of stress can lead to psychiatric disorders like anxiety, substance abuse, and prevalence of mood. Due to this, there are now medical centers that can help with the day-to-day backlash and stress. When facing backlash, it is best to consult with a mental health professional (Burton M.A, M.D 2024). As I stated earlier, PTSD is now recognized as a Trauma Stressor-Related disorder. It includes four symptoms; reliving the traumatic event, avoiding situations that are reminders of the event, negative changes in beliefs and feelings, and feeling keyed up. These victims now have the VA that is committed to providing care for them.
     The concept of research trends in the DSM apply to ethics. Due to the harsh treatment homosexuality’s and PTSD patients received, ethics influence how mental health professionals diagnose and treat them.
Brandy post
 Before organized systems of diagnostic classification were developed, the field of medicine had no formal basis to support the validation of its practices. The development of systems for the classification of medical diseases was critical to the development of the field of medicine and the advancement of medical science. PTSD was not part of the American Diagnostic Criteria until 1980 (DSM III). The ‘diagnosis’ of homosexuality has a complex history in the Diagnostic system. First, it was classified with the sexual deviation disorders in the section of sociopathic personality disturbance, then the diagnosis of homosexuality was replaced with ‘sexual orientation disturbance’ and, by 1987, homosexuality was completely removed from the DSM diagnostic criteria. 
In this module, you will explore the differences and similarities between anxiety, fear, and stress. Having anxiety is normal and can be helpful. Stress, and even fear, are essential to our survival. Yet where do we draw the line between adaptive and maladaptive versions of these experiences?
For your initial post, refer to Chapter 6 of your textbook, section 6.1, and 4 Tips for Slowing Down to Reduce Stress uploaded below to answer the following:
Why is it essential for a balance to exist between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems?
Contrast the anticipation that is frequently experienced in generalized anxiety with the reaction to a phobic object in specific phobia.
Describe one way that a therapist might help a patient activate the parasympathetic nervous system to calm the mind and body.
How does an anxiety disorder apply to any of the following programmatic themes? You may want to review the Programmatic Themes PDF document. uploaded below
Social justice
Emotional intelligence
Career connections


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