Read the article on the Hepatitis virus (“CDC Investigating More Than 100 Cases of Unexplained Hepatitis in Children” Links to an external site.). Write an essay that describes the key concepts of epidemiology. For each of the following key concepts explain the concept AND identify the concept as it relates to the article on Hepatitis.
2. Describe the historical events listed below. Discuss how learning about past historical epidemiologic events help solve current and future disease outbreaks.
Bubonic plague epidemics
John Snow’s Cholera Study
Development of smallpox vaccine and eradication of small pox
1918 influenza pandemic
Identification of smoking as a cause of cancer
2. Your health care organization has adopted a policy that requires all employees to be annually vaccinated for the influenza virus. Failure to comply with the policy will result in the termination of the employee. Do you agree or disagree with this policy? Justify your position using data (statistics) and information from the article (“CDC Estimates This Year’s Flu Vaccine Is Only 36 Percent Effective”) as well as your own research on the issue. Make sure to use reputable sources of data and information.
2. Does operations management affect a hospital’s competitive advantage? Explain using examples.
3. Discuss the major changes that propelled the managed care industry to what it currently exists as today.
4. Discuss both the negative and positive outcomes that managed care brought about through its development.