Psychology Analysis of everyday behavior
Reflection Paper Strongman, Kenneth T. (2006). Applying Psychology to Everyday Life. Wiley: West Sussex.
Guidelines for writing a Reflection Paper
1. As you listen to our lectures and read the textbook be alert for psychology topics that interest you.
2. Describe the aspects of the topic that you find appealing. What are your thoughts as to how your personal history of life experiences facilitated your interest in the psychological topic.
3. After learning more about the psychological topic from our lecture and readings, consider any changes in yourself that you may have noticed. For example, has learning about the topic changed your beliefs about (a) yourself; (b) others; and (c) the world?
4. What specific beliefs were changed in these areas: safety, trust, power and control, and esteem.
5. Were any feelings changed after becoming more knowledgeable about the psychological topic, such as about yourself, others, and the world? For example, have you become happier with yourself after learning more about the topic?
6. Were any behaviors changed after becoming more knowledgeable about the psychological topic?
7. Feel free to message me with questions regarding your reflection paper
Draw from the book *** Applying Psychology to Everyday Life (Kenneth T Strongman) 2006
*** Pick any topic I would love to use one of the abnormal disorders like OCD or DID