Please read Complete the assigned readings, including the Case Study: West Flor


Please read Complete the assigned readings, including the Case Study: West Florida Regional Medical Center. Type the case study questions and your responses into an initial thread, including references
LINK for the Case:
3 References in APA format including the case study source
This is a hospital with a large group of physicians closely tied to it, both economically and geographically. It is also operating in an area of intense competition and tight cost controls. The fact that 90% to 95% of the hospital’s compensation is case-based (DRGs) and not procedure-based has a profound impact on management motivation. Intense support for the CQI implementation was provided by Dr. Batalden and his staff at HCA corporate headquarters.
1. What were the strategic reasons behind West Florida Regional Medical Center’s (WFRMC’s) decision to invest heavily in TQM?
2. How did the program undertaken at WFRMC reflect this strategic impetus?
3. What were the strengths and weaknesses of the TQM program as it was implemented here?
4. What were the influences of corporate headquarters in this effort? 5. What effort has been made to measure the impact of the program
on the hospital, especially in terms of supporting its strategic directions?
6. What effort has been made to use TQM to support tactical pro-grams within the hospital?
7. What should John Kausch do next in dealing with continuous improvement?
8. If West Florida Regional Medical Center was to introduce an inter-nal medicine residency program, how would the concepts of microsystems be incorporated into its current quality efforts?


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